Master the skills to become an excellent product professionals through our high-quality workshops.

We offer 5 programs for emerging product leaders, focusing on skills and innovation 

Domain Industry

Equip the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate and thrive in the industry: exploring its products & services, market trends, competitive landscape, business models, and key metrics 

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AI Product

Equip the knowledge and skills needed to harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) in various industry sectors, to drive innovation and efficiency in their respective fields. 

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Product Strategy
and Development

Learn effective strategies for product development and launch with a customer-centric approach, from problem identification to retaining users for optimal outcomes. 

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Data and
Product Analytics

Explore data and product analytics to leverage data insights for enhanced product development, market strategy, and business growth. 

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Product Leadership, Marketing & Growth

Master leadership skills while tackling growth challenges, foster collaboration, lead markets with strategic advertising approaches, and implement growth hacking techniques. 

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What Makes Our Workshop Unique?

Expert-led Trainer

Gain deep understanding and practical guidance from experienced trainers in their fields.

Comprehensive Coverage

Get certified to prove your new skills and achievements.

Advanced Techniques

This learning approach aims for deep understanding using advanced techniques, enabling you to grasp the material comprehensively.

Practical Application

Access to slide materials, hands-on & case studies, and template worksheets, empowering you to apply theory directly through practical exercises.

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Embark on a journey with 100+ engaging videos to spark curiosity and foster your growth 

Watch videos about product leadership from thought leaders to deepen your expertise.

Learn how to advance your career with direct tips from industry experts. 

Get further insights into product management by watching PM 101.

Unlock invaluable knowledge from product leaders in our captivating weekly discussions. 


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