Road to Indonesia Product Conference

How to Switch Career from Non-Tech Background to Product Manager

26 September 2022 | 19.00-20.25 WIB | Live via Zoom

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Event Description

Kamu ingin switch career menjadi seorang product manager? Tapi, masih bingung karena pengalamanmu jauh berbeda dari product manager? Apa benar harus punya latar belakang Tech biar diterima perusahaan?

Yuk, bergabung di event “How to Switch Career from Non-Tech Background to Product Manager” bersama Trimo Leksono (VP Product at Sicepat Express) dan dapatkan insight apa saja yang perlu kamu siapkan saat mulai switch career.

Ikuti event ini pada:
Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 26 September 2022
Pukul : 19:00-20:25 WIB
Via : Zoom

Road to Indonesia Product Conference merupakan pre-event Indonesia Product Conference 2022. Konferensi Product Management pertama dan terbesar di Indonesia untuk mengumpulkan Product Leader lokal yang akan berbagi wawasan dan praktik terbaik dengan sesama Product Professional. Melalui acara ini, para peserta akan memperluas jaringan mereka, menjadi terinspirasi oleh ide-ide inovatif, dan mempelajari wawasan praktis yang dapat mereka terapkan secara langsung untuk mengembangkan produk mereka.


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Meet The Speakers

Trimo Leksono 
VP Product at Sicepat Express

I love building products. I love brewing arabica coffee. So here's quick things about me and my work. I have 11 years of experience and counting in the Digital and Technology world. I know how to execute a strategy and how to create a good strategy.
As a leader, I believe in developing a people-first culture that prioritizes fairness, integrity, empathy, and collaboration. I look to surround myself with people who are driven by similar principles.
As a long-life learner, I believe coaching and mentoring can help people to find the peak of their version. With active listening, I have a better understanding of the people and build empathy. 

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